Global Health in Africa Decoded
GLOBAL HEALTH in AFRICA DECODED was birthed from the adage, "Be the change you wish to see."
For over ten years, we were clinicians with minimal understanding of the policies and structures that influence healthcare delivery in our country. In the last five years, we were both fortunate to receive an education that drove us down a path of discovery that this knowledge gap was a shared phenomenon across different cadres of healthcare providers and end-users.
GHAD aims to power people with information on different healthcare topics in Africa. This site is open-source, breaks down complex issues, and will feature guest bloggers and contributions from the community we will build together. So if you are a health worker, utilize healthcare services, or are an innovator or an investor in healthcare, take a look around and let us learn together.
All views, thoughts, information, and opinions shared here do not represent any entity the writer is affiliated with.